A Message to Our Jewish Community in the Wake of the Violence in Israel and Gaza

We reach out to you with grief over the brutal attacks on Israeli civilians. We reach out to you with trepidation over the violence yet to come. We know that many of you, like many of us, are consumed with anxiety for loved ones and in mourning over those lost. For many of us – perhaps particularly here in Pittsburgh -- these recent attacks may also evoke past experiences or family histories of trauma.

For students in need of support during this crisis, we urge you to make an appointment at the student counseling center. Also, do not hesitate to reach out to your professors if you need accommodations right now. If you don’t feel like you can focus on your midterms or exams, let your professors know. Your well-being matters.

For those of you who cannot access University resources, we urge you to reach out to services at JFCS or the resolve hotline (1-888-796-8226) for immediate help.

We know that many of you are inundated right now with immediate reactions to this wrenching moment from community leaders, politicians, journalists and activists. What Jewish Studies offers is a space to continue studying the repercussions of this crisis – and all the watershed events of Jewish history – for the days, months, years, and decades to come, long after the newspapers have ceased daily coverage and our social media feeds have moved on to the next story. As part of a community of JS scholars, we continue to delve into all the complex histories leading up to this current tragedy. As humanists, we do this with an eye toward acknowledging and honoring the humanity of every single person who lives in the region. This mission has never been more important.