Event: Israel/Palestine: What’s happening? What’s next? And how do we talk about It?

Israel/Palestine: What’s happening? What’s next? And how do we talk about It?


Monday, October 16, 5:30 p.m. ET


Virtual (Zoom)

Registration link: https://pitt.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ymRLdV0yTT-2kTSUNl9lsg


The last week has seen thousands in Israel/Palestine killed and wounded, following a massacre of Israelis by Hamas militants on Saturday morning and devastating Israeli air strikes against Palestinian neighborhoods in Gaza. This panel brings together a Palestinian American legal scholar and a Canadian Jewish political scientist who have spent the last two years intensively traveling to, and writing about, the region together. Join us for a session on the urgency of advancing the values of human life, equality, and freedom, as well as the challenges and opportunities of friendship across political communities.


  • Omar Dajani, professor of law, University of the Pacific
  • Mira Sucharov, political scientist, Carleton University
