
Jewish Studies Student Research and Travel Grants

The Jewish Studies program is pleased to announce the availability of funds to support undergraduate and graduate student research and travel related to Jewish Studies. Grants are available for amounts up to $10,000 although typical grants will be in the $2,000 to $5,000 range. Students applying to study abroad in Israel may be eligible for grants from the Study Abroad Office as well as from the Jewish Studies Program. Please check with both the director of Jewish Studies and the Study Abroad office to coordinate.

Applications due by March 25, 2024: funds exceeding $2,000 to be expended in the Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 semesters. (If COVID-19 restrictions make travel impossible, the award can be deferred). 

Rolling Deadline: Students can apply for awards of up to $2000 on a rolling basis.

Click here for complete guidelines.

Other Scholarships & Financial Support

Here is a list of common scholarships and financial support available through University and external sources.

Honors College Awards

Honors College Research and Creative Fellowships

Honors College National Scholarships

Office of Undergraduate Research Awards and Funding

Office of Undergraduate Research Scholars in Residence

Office of Undergraduate Research Field Studies

Office of Undergraduate Research Internship Awards

Steps Scholarships and Resources